HomeArtificial IntelligenceAI stack attack: Navigating the generative tech maze

AI stack attack: Navigating the generative tech maze

In mere months, the generative AI technology stack has undergone a striking metamorphosis. Menlo Ventures’ January 2024 market map depicted a tidy four-layer framework. By late May, Sapphire Ventures’ visualization exploded into a labyrinth of greater than 200 corporations spread across multiple categories. This rapid expansion lays bare the breakneck pace of innovation—and the mounting challenges facing IT decision-makers.

Technical considerations collide with a minefield of strategic concerns. Data privacy looms large, as does the specter of impending AI regulations. Talent shortages add one other wrinkle, forcing corporations to balance in-house development against outsourced expertise. Meanwhile, the pressure to innovate clashes with the imperative to manage costs.

In this high-stakes game of technological Tetris, adaptability emerges as the final word trump card. Today’s state-of-the-art solution could also be rendered obsolete by tomorrow’s breakthrough. IT decision-makers must craft a vision flexible enough to evolve alongside this dynamic landscape, all while delivering tangible value to their organizations.

The push towards end-to-end solutions

As enterprises grapple with the complexities of generative AI, many are gravitating towards comprehensive, end-to-end solutions. This shift reflects a desire to simplify AI infrastructure and streamline operations in an increasingly convoluted tech landscape.

When faced with the challenge of integrating generative AI across its vast ecosystem, Intuit stood at a crossroads. The company could have tasked its 1000’s of developers to construct AI experiences using existing platform capabilities. Instead, it selected a more ambitious path: creating GenOS, a comprehensive generative AI operating system.

This decision, as Ashok Srivastava, Intuit’s Chief Data Officer, explains, was driven by a desire to speed up innovation while maintaining consistency. “We’re going to construct a layer that abstracts away the complexity of the platform so you could construct specific generative AI experiences fast.” 

This approach, Srivastava argues, allows for rapid scaling and operational efficiency. It’s a stark contrast to the choice of getting individual teams construct bespoke solutions, which he warns may lead to “high complexity, low velocity and tech debt.”

Similarly, Databricks has recently expanded its AI deployment capabilities, introducing latest features that aim to simplify the model serving process. The company’s Model Serving and Feature Serving tools represent a push towards a more integrated AI infrastructure.

These latest offerings allow data scientists to deploy models with reduced engineering support, potentially streamlining the trail from development to production. Marvelous MLOps creator Maria Vechtomova notes the industry-wide need for such simplification: “Machine learning teams should aim to simplify the architecture and minimize the quantity of tools they use.”

Databricks’ platform now supports various serving architectures, including batch prediction, real-time synchronous serving, and asynchronous tasks. This range of options caters to different use cases, from e-commerce recommendations to fraud detection.

Craig Wiley, Databricks’ Senior Director of Product for AI/ML, describes the corporate’s goal as providing “a very complete end-to-end data and AI stack.” While ambitious, this statement aligns with the broader industry trend towards more comprehensive AI solutions.

However, not all industry players advocate for a single-vendor approach. Red Hat’s Steven Huels, General Manager of the AI Business Unit, offers a contrasting perspective: “There’s nobody vendor that you just get all of it from anymore.” Red Hat as a substitute focuses on complementary solutions that may integrate with a wide range of existing systems.

The push towards end-to-end solutions marks a maturation of the generative AI landscape. As the technology becomes more established, enterprises are looking beyond piecemeal approaches to seek out ways to scale their AI initiatives efficiently and effectively.

Data quality and governance take center stage

As generative AI applications proliferate in enterprise settings, data quality and governance have surged to the forefront of concerns. The effectiveness and reliability of AI models hinge on the standard of their training data, making robust data management critical.

This give attention to data extends beyond just preparation. Governance—ensuring data is used ethically, securely and in compliance with regulations—has change into a top priority. “I believe you’re going to start out to see a giant push on the governance side,” predicts Red Hat’s Huels. He anticipates this trend will speed up as AI systems increasingly influence critical business decisions.

Databricks has built governance into the core of its platform. Wiley described it as “one continuous lineage system and one continuous governance system all the way in which out of your data ingestion, all through your generative AI prompts and responses.”

The rise of semantic layers and data fabrics

As quality data sources change into more necessary, semantic layers and data fabrics are gaining prominence. These technologies form the backbone of a more intelligent, flexible data infrastructure. They enable AI systems to higher comprehend and leverage enterprise data, opening doors to latest possibilities.

Illumex, a startup on this space, has developed what its CEO Inna Tokarev Sela dubs a “semantic data fabric.” “The data fabric has a texture,” she explains. “This texture is created routinely, not in a pre-built manner.” Such an approach paves the way in which for more dynamic, context-aware data interactions. It could significantly boost AI system capabilities.

Larger enterprises are taking note. Intuit, as an example, has embraced a product-oriented approach to data management. “We take into consideration data as a product that must meet certain very high standards,” says Srivastava. These standards span quality, performance, and operations.

This shift towards semantic layers and data fabrics signals a brand new era in data infrastructure. It guarantees to boost AI systems’ ability to grasp and use enterprise data effectively. New capabilities and use cases may emerge in consequence.

Yet, implementing these technologies is not any small feat. It demands substantial investment in each technology and expertise. Organizations must rigorously consider how these latest layers will mesh with their existing data infrastructure and AI initiatives.

Specialized solutions in a consolidated landscape

The AI market is witnessing an interesting paradox. While end-to-end platforms are on the rise, specialized solutions addressing specific elements of the AI stack proceed to emerge. These area of interest offerings often tackle complex challenges that broader platforms may overlook.

Illumex stands out with its give attention to making a generative semantic fabric. Tokarev Sela said, “We create a category of solutions which doesn’t exist yet.” Their approach goals to bridge the gap between data and business logic, addressing a key pain point in AI implementations.

These specialized solutions aren’t necessarily competing with the consolidation trend. Often, they complement broader platforms, filling gaps or enhancing specific capabilities. Many end-to-end solution providers are forging partnerships with specialized firms or acquiring them outright to bolster their offerings.

The persistent emergence of specialised solutions indicates that innovation in addressing specific AI challenges stays vibrant. This trend persists whilst the market consolidates around just a few major platforms. For IT decision-makers, the duty is evident: rigorously evaluate where specialized tools might offer significant benefits over more generalized solutions.

Balancing open-source and proprietary solutions

The generative AI landscape continues to see a dynamic interplay between open-source and proprietary solutions. Enterprises must rigorously navigate this terrain, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of every approach.

Red Hat, a longtime leader in enterprise open-source solutions, recently revealed its entry into the generative AI space. The company’s Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) AI offering goals to democratize access to large language models while maintaining a commitment to open-source principles.

RHEL AI combines several key components, as Tushar Katarki, Senior Director of Product Management for OpenShift Core Platform, explains: “We are introducing each English language models for now, in addition to code models. So obviously, we predict each are needed on this AI world.” This approach includes the Granite family of open source-licensed LLMs (large language models), InstructLab for model alignment and a bootable image of RHEL with popular AI libraries.

However, open-source solutions often require significant in-house expertise to implement and maintain effectively. This could be a challenge for organizations facing talent shortages or those seeking to move quickly.

Proprietary solutions, alternatively, often provide more integrated and supported experiences. Databricks, while supporting open-source models, has focused on making a cohesive ecosystem around its proprietary platform. “If our customers need to use models, for instance, that we don’t have access to, we actually govern those models for them,” explains Wiley, referring to their ability to integrate and manage various AI models inside their system.

The ideal balance between open-source and proprietary solutions will vary depending on a corporation’s specific needs, resources and risk tolerance. As the AI landscape evolves, the power to effectively integrate and manage each sorts of solutions may change into a key competitive advantage.

Integration with existing enterprise systems

A critical challenge for a lot of enterprises adopting generative AI is integrating these latest capabilities with existing systems and processes. This integration is important for deriving real business value from AI investments.

Successful integration often depends upon having a solid foundation of knowledge and processing capabilities. “Do you may have a real-time system? Do you may have stream processing? Do you may have batch processing capabilities?” asks Intuit’s Srivastava. These underlying systems form the backbone upon which advanced AI capabilities might be built.

For many organizations, the challenge lies in connecting AI systems with diverse and infrequently siloed data sources. Illumex has focused on this problem, developing solutions that may work with existing data infrastructures. “We can actually connect with the info where it’s. We don’t need them to maneuver that data,” explains Tokarev Sela. This approach allows enterprises to leverage their existing data assets without requiring extensive restructuring.

Integration challenges extend beyond just data connectivity. Organizations must also consider how AI will interact with existing business processes and decision-making frameworks. Intuit’s approach of constructing a comprehensive GenOS system demonstrates a technique of tackling this challenge, making a unified platform that may interface with various business functions.

Security integration is one other crucial consideration. As AI systems often take care of sensitive data and make necessary decisions, they have to be incorporated into existing security frameworks and comply with organizational policies and regulatory requirements.

The radical way forward for generative computing

As we’ve explored the rapidly evolving generative AI tech stack, from end-to-end solutions to specialized tools, from data fabrics to governance frameworks, it’s clear that we’re witnessing a transformative moment in enterprise technology. Yet, even these sweeping changes may only be the start.

Andrej Karpathy, a distinguished figure in AI research, recently painted an image of an excellent more radical future. He envisions a “100% Fully Software 2.0 computer” where a single neural network replaces all classical software. In this paradigm, device inputs like audio, video and touch would feed directly into the neural net, with outputs displayed as audio/video on speakers and screens.

This concept pushes beyond our current understanding of operating systems, frameworks and even the distinctions between several types of software. It suggests a future where the boundaries between applications blur and your complete computing experience is mediated by a unified AI system.

While such a vision could appear distant, it underscores the potential for generative AI to reshape not only individual applications or business processes, but the elemental nature of computing itself. 

The selections made today in constructing AI infrastructure will lay the groundwork for future innovations. Flexibility, scalability and a willingness to embrace paradigm shifts might be crucial. Whether we’re talking about end-to-end platforms, specialized AI tools, or the potential for AI-driven computing environments, the important thing to success lies in cultivating adaptability.

Learn more about navigating the tech maze at VentureBeat Transform this week in San Francisco.


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