HomeGuidesAI Jobs Statistics That Will Shock You in 2024

AI Jobs Statistics That Will Shock You in 2024

Artificial intelligence (AI) is quickly changing the job market, which suggests challenges and possibilities exist.

The World Economic Forum’s 2023 “Future of Jobs” poll found that over 60% of firms know that AI and other cutting-edge technologies are gaining popularity, which could have an enormous effect on the job market.

AI-driven job disruption particularly affects educated, white-collar staff, with half of the companies having already integrated AI into their operations.

According to the IMF’s research, almost 40% of jobs worldwide are affected by AI, and AI could either complement or replace several types of jobs.

 IMF's research on AI's impact on jobs

There are, nevertheless, worries about job loss, and data from different fields shows what percentage of jobs are at high risk of being automated.

So, on this post, we’ll try the present statistical data around AI jobs that may provide help to analyze AI’s impact and the present state of the job market worldwide.

Let’s begin!

AI Jobs Statistics at Glance (Top Data)

Here is an inventory of all of the necessary statistics:

  • Global AI Funding: In 2022, AI investments reached a remarkable $45 billion, highlighting the market’s growing confidence in AI technology and its potential across various industries​​. (Hostinger)
  • Top Countries for AI Investment: The United States and China lead in AI investments, making them prime locations for AI development and job opportunities​​.
  • AI Startup Funding Growth: Funding for AI startups saw a mean increase of 66% between 2021 and 2023, indicating a sturdy and expanding ecosystem for AI innovation​​. (Exploding Topics)
  • AI Skills Demand vs. Supply: There’s a major gap between the high demand for AI skills and the present talent pool, underscoring the necessity for education and training in AI technologies​​.
  • Average Salary for AI Professionals: The high average salary of $160,000 for AI professionals reflects the industry’s willingness to speculate in expert staff​​. (AmbitionBox)
  • AI’s Potential for Job Automation: By 2030, AI could automate 30% of labor hours within the US economy, shifting the main focus towards more strategic and inventive tasks​​. (McKinsey & Company)
  • Generative AI’s Impact on Business: Over 95% of executives agree that generative AI will revolutionize AI applications, extending its use to recent domains like product design and customer engagement​​. (HCLTech)
  • AI in Key Sectors: Banking, financial services, insurance, and healthcare are leading sectors in AI adoption, presenting quite a few opportunities for AI-driven roles​​. (LeewayHertz)
  • American Companies and AI Automation: The US’s dominance in industrial AI automation highlights the country’s revolutionary capabilities and the big range of job prospects in AI-related fields​​. (Brookings)
  • Future Projections for AI Industry: The AI industry is predicted to be price $190 billion by 2030, indicating its pervasive influence across all sectors​​.
  • Job Growth Through AI Adoption: More than 50% of companies surveyed plan to extend job positions as a result of AI adoption and digital transformation efforts​​.
  • Investment in AI Training: 50% of firms plan to speculate in training departments focused on AI adoption, emphasizing the importance of upskilling the workforce to satisfy future demands​​.

Average AI Job Salaries

The AI field is growing rapidly, and pay reflects the increasing demand for expert staff. AI engineers, data scientists, machine learning, deep learning, and NLP professionals work in AI.

Due to their particular talents, these occupations might earn far more than the industry median.

average AI engineer salary in the USA

The average AI engineer salary within the USA is $100,000 to $115,000, with a salary range spanning from $67,000 to $160,000.

The average base salary for AI engineers within the United States is reported to be around $133,347 per 12 months, with the potential to extend based on experience and skills.

The average OpenAI salary ranges between $130,000 to $180,000 per 12 months. (BusinessInsider)

Also, these tables can provide help to get a greater idea of what the typical AI job salaries are within the USA and India:

Average AI Job Salaries within the World (USD)

AI Jobs Statistics

Job Role Average Salary (every year)
AI Scientist $150,000 – $300,000
AI Engineer $100,000 – $160,000
Data Scientist $90,000 – $150,000
Machine Learning Engineer $100,000 – $150,000
AI Specialist $120,000 – $200,000

Average AI Job Salaries within the USA (USD)

Job Role Average Salary (every year)
AI Scientist $120,000 – $250,000
AI Engineer $120,000 – $200,000
Data Scientist $100,000 – $180,000
Machine Learning Engineer $110,000 – $170,000
AI Specialist $130,000 – $220,000

Average AI Job Salaries in India (INR)

Job Role Average Salary (every year)
AI Scientist ₹30,00,000 – ₹60,00,000
AI Engineer ₹20,00,000 – ₹35,00,000
Data Scientist ₹15,00,000 – ₹25,00,000
Machine Learning Engineer ₹18,00,000 – ₹30,00,000
AI Specialist ₹25,00,000 – ₹40,00,000

Changes in Salaries

Over the past few years, the salaries of AI professionals have seen an upward trend, driven by the increasing adoption of AI technologies across various sectors.

Here is the table of the typical change in AI job salaries over the past three years:

Job Title Average Salary 2024 (USD) Change from Previous Year
AI Engineer $136,620 – $174,713 Increase
Machine Learning Engineer $112,832 – $143,180 Increase
Data Scientist $117,944 – $140,000 Increase
AI Programmer $81,445 – $122,000 Increase
AI Specialist $128,976 – $141,355 Increase

The average AI job salaries have increased over the previous few years, reflecting the growing demand for AI professionals and the competitive nature of the sphere.

Regional Variations in AI Wages

There are big differences in the standard wages for AI staff across the United States. Connecticut, California, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Minnesota are the states that pay essentially the most for AI staff.

The average AI wage in Connecticut is over $176,000 a 12 months, while the typical AI wage in Tennessee is just $84,190 a 12 months, making it the bottom state within the U.S.

There are clear differences between regions in places like Alaska and the District of Columbia, where AI has made the pay gap between tech and non-tech jobs 64% greater.

California, alternatively, is a tech hub, and its pay gap is stable. AI has the least impact on it, at just 5%.

Here is a table showing the regional variations in AI wages within the United States:

State Average AI Wage (every year)
Connecticut $176,000
California $160,000
South Carolina $150,000
Louisiana $140,000
Minnesota $135,000
New York $130,000
Massachusetts $125,000
Texas $120,000
Illinois $115,000
Georgia $110,000
Tennessee $84,190

The data shows that AI employee salaries vary greatly across the United States.

Connecticut, California, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Minnesota pay essentially the most for AI professionals.

The best average AI wage within the U.S. is over $176,000 a 12 months in Connecticut.

Tennessee’s lowest average AI wage within the U.S. is $84,190 a 12 months.

AI Job Growth Statistics

The World Economic Forum says that AI will create about 97 million recent jobs, which could ease worries about people losing their jobs.

AI will create about 97 million new jobs

According to a study by McKinsey, advances in AI could affect about 15% of the worldwide workforce between 2016 and 2030, which could mean the lack of 400 million jobs.

AI market size is predicted to achieve $305.90 billion in 2024, with businesses increasingly replacing human tasks with AI solutions. Nearly 20 million manufacturing jobs may very well be lost to automation by 2030.

However, there’s also significant growth in generative AI jobs, with searches on Indeed for such positions increasing by almost 4,000% last 12 months. (Source)

indeed research on gen AI search surgeSource: Indeed

Furthermore, 83% of firms claim that AI is a top priority of their business plans, indicating the widespread integration and growth of AI technologies in various industries.

Here are some tables showing AI job growth statistics:

AI Market Size and Growth Rate (USD)

Year Market Size (in billions) Growth Rate
2022 $452.6
2023 $536.6 18.5%
2024 $634.2 18.2%
2025 $746.5 17.7%
2026 $874.5 17.1%
2027 $1,019.5 16.6%
2028 $1,183.5 16.1%
2029 $1,368.5 15.6%
2030 $1,576.5 15.2%

(Source: AIPRM via OECD)

AI Investment Required to Catch Up with the US (in billions)

Country 2030 2040 2050
China $1,200 $2,400 $3,600
Japan $400 $800 $1,200
Germany $200 $400 $600
France $200 $400 $600
UK $200 $400 $600

(Source: AIPRM via OECD)

The AI market is predicted to grow rapidly, with an annual growth rate of 15.2% between 2030 and 2025.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics projects a 21% growth rate in AI careers from 2021 to 2031.

Finally, the investment required for countries to meet up with the US in AI investment varies, with China requiring essentially the most significant investment of $3.6 trillion by 2050.

Gender and Education Distribution within the AI Workforce

The Gender and Education Distribution within the AI Workforce for 2024 highlights each progress and ongoing challenges in achieving gender equality and inclusivity in STEM fields, particularly in AI.

Here’s an in depth overview based on the recent findings:

Gender Distribution within the AI Workforce

  • Global Disparity: A striking gender disparity exists globally within the AI sector. For instance, in countries like India and Bulgaria, the share of ladies contributing to AI research publications is around 30%, nearly double the worldwide average. However, this figure still falls wanting achieving gender parity in the sphere.
  • Western vs. Non-Western Countries: The gender gap in AI is more pronounced in Western countries in comparison with some non-Western countries. In the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, and Germany, women made up roughly 14% of authors on AI papers in 2020. In contrast, countries with a history of supporting women within the workforce, resembling those in the previous Soviet Bloc, show a greater gender balance in AI.
Source Gender Distribution
World Economic Forum (2020) Women make up only 26% of information and AI positions within the workforce globally.
The AI Index Report (2021) Women make up 26% of staff in AI roles worldwide.
McKinsey Global Institute More women than men stand to lose their jobs by the top of the last decade due to the rise of AI and automation.
Kenan Institute of Private Enterprise Overall, 21% more women are exposed to AI automation than men, although men outnumber women within the workforce.

Education Distribution within the AI Workforce

  • Higher Education Graduates: The distribution of men and girls pursuing higher education in AI-related fields, resembling ICT, varies significantly across countries. India exhibits near gender parity amongst higher education graduates in ICT, with 6% women and seven% men. This contrasts sharply with the United States, where only one.5% of ladies versus 7% of men selected to check ICT.
  • Cultural and Social Norms: The relative gender balance in countries like India and Malaysia is attributed to societal perceptions that view computer science and related fields as suitable and desirable for ladies. This is facilitated by the high regard for CS-related jobs and their social independence and job security opportunities.

The current landscape suggests a fancy interplay of cultural, educational, and policy aspects influencing the gender and education distribution within the AI workforce.

Country Women in AI (%) Men in AI (%) Notes
India 30% 70% Near parity in higher education graduates in ICT
Bulgaria 30% 70% High share of ladies authors in AI publications
USA 14% 86% Disparity in AI and overall science publications

The available data shows that girls are underrepresented within the AI workforce, with women making up only around 26% of staff in AI roles globally.

Women also hold a smaller percentage of STEM degrees and makeup only 25% of AI professionals.

AI Job Market Statistics

The adoption of AI technologies spans various sectors, each leveraging AI to boost efficiency, innovation, and competitiveness.

top industries by AI impacted statista reportSource

The top industries include:

  1. Technology and Software Services: The backbone of AI development, offering roles in AI and machine learning development, software engineering, and system architecture.
  2. Finance and Banking: Utilizes AI for fraud detection, risk management, and customer support automation.
  3. Healthcare: Implements AI in diagnostics, patient care, and medical data evaluation.
  4. Automotive: Employs AI in autonomous driving technologies, manufacturing automation, and customer experience.
  5. Retail: Uses AI for inventory management, personalized shopping experiences, and provide chain optimization.
  6. Manufacturing: Leverages AI for predictive maintenance, production planning, and quality control.

AI Jobs by Job Type:

AI employment opportunities vary widely, catering to different skill sets and interests throughout the AI field. Common AI job types include:

  1. AI and Machine Learning Engineers: Focus on developing AI models and systems.
  2. Data Scientists: Analyze and interpret complex data to help decision-making.
  3. Research Scientists: Conduct research to advance the sphere of AI.
  4. AI Developers: Create and program AI software and applications.
  5. Robotics Engineers: Design and develop robots that operate autonomously or semi-autonomously.
  6. Natural Language Processing Specialists: Work on systems that understand and interpret human language.

Remote vs. Onsite AI Jobs Statistics:

The AI sector, like many others, has seen a shift within the balance between distant and onsite work, especially influenced by the worldwide pandemic. While specific statistics for 2024 should not available on this context, general trends indicate:

  • Increased Remote Opportunities: The tech industry, including AI, has embraced distant work, with many firms offering fully distant or hybrid positions.
  • Onsite Roles: Certain jobs, especially those requiring hands-on work with hardware (e.g., robotics engineers) or secure data (e.g., in finance and healthcare), should still require onsite presence.

Top Industries for AI Employment

  • Technology and Software Services: Leading in AI job creation, specializing in research, development, and application of AI technologies.
  • Finance and Banking: Employing AI for fraud detection, risk management, and customer insights.
  • Healthcare: Utilizing AI for diagnostics, patient management, and treatment personalization.
  • Automotive and Manufacturing: Innovating with AI for autonomous driving, production optimization, and quality control.
  • Retail and E-commerce: Leveraging AI for customer experience enhancement, inventory management, and personalized recommendations.
Industry AI Applications
Technology Development, Software Engineering
Finance and Banking Fraud Detection, Risk Management
Healthcare Diagnostics, Patient Care
Automotive Autonomous Driving, Manufacturing
Retail Inventory Management, Personalization
Manufacturing Predictive Maintenance, Quality Control

Top Companies Hiring for AI Roles:

A number of notable firms actively hiring for AI roles include:

  • OpenAI and DeepMind: Leading in AI research and ethical AI development.
  • Amazon and Google: Offering various AI roles across various applications and services.
  • IBM and Intel: Pioneering in AI hardware and enterprise AI solutions.
  • Startup firms like Grammarly and Dataiku: Innovating in AI-driven communication and data science platforms.

AI Jobs by Job Type

Job Type Role Description
AI and Machine Learning Engineers Developing AI models and systems
Data Scientists Analyzing and interpreting complex data
Research Scientists Advancing AI through research
AI Developers Creating AI software and applications
Robotics Engineers Designing autonomous or semi-autonomous robots
NLP Specialists Working on human language understanding systems

Remote vs. Onsite AI Jobs

Work Type Description
Remote Work from anywhere, prevalent in tech roles
Onsite Required physical presence, e.g., robotics

Talking in regards to the demand for AI professionals is on the rise, with firms across various industries trying to hire expert AI employees.

Companies resembling Amazon, NVIDIA, and Microsoft are heavily investing in AI services and are actively recruiting top AI talent to assist scale their AI efforts.

AI Job Replacement Statistics

Here are some statistics on AI job substitute statistics based on the available sources:

  • Impact of AI and Automation on Wages: Early AI and automation have already driven down wages by as much as 70% since 1980. Educated, white-collar staff are expected to be impacted by automation, with half of companies having integrated AI into their operations.
  • Job Displacement and Replacement Statistics: More than one-third (37%) of business leaders say AI replaced staff in 2023, based on a recent report from ResumeBuilder. Additionally, employees report that 29% of their work tasks are replaceable by AI.
  • Industries Exposed to AI Automation: Industries resembling office and administrative support, legal, architecture and engineering, and life, physical, and social science are estimated to have a major share of employment exposed to AI-driven automation, with percentages starting from 36% to 46%.

If you’re searching for the difference in actual and expected impact of AI on jobs, then here it’s:

  1. Expected Impact:
    • In 2022, 19% of American staff were in jobs which are essentially the most exposed to AI, through which an important activities could also be either replaced or significantly impacted by AI.
    • Industries resembling office and administrative support, legal, architecture and engineering, and life, physical, and social science are estimated to have a major share of employment exposed to AI-driven automation, with percentages starting from 36% to 46%.
  2. Actual Impact:
    • According to a report published by Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research, the estimated share of U.S. employment exposed to AI-driven automation is as follows:
      • Office and administrative support: 46%
      • Legal: 44%
      • Architecture and engineering: 37%
      • Life, physical, and social science: 36%.
    • With projections that AI could potentially replace around 800 million jobs worldwide by 2030, the impact of AI on employment is a major and evolving reality.

AI Job Impact by Sector

Sector Potential Impact Percentage of Jobs Affected
Transportation Automation Up to 56%
Storage Automation Up to 56%
Retail Transformation Up to 56%
Administration High Automation Risk Up to 56%

There’s also a Job Impact Index, created by thereisanaiforthat.com that shows the whole variety of jobs impacted based on AI tools created.

So say, if there are quite a lot of AI tools built around one particular sector, then the job impact index will likely be higher.

Here’s the present Job Impact Index:

S.No Job Title AI Impact
1 Communications Manager 98%
2 Data Collector 95%
3 Data Entry 95%
4 Mail Clerk 95%
5 Compliance Officer 92%
6 Chief Executive Officer (CEO) 91%
7 Therapist 90%
8 Chief Strategy Officer 90%
9 Admin 90%
10 General Clerk 90%
11 Mail Handler 90%
12 Data Clerk 90%
13 Data Entry Clerk 90%
14 Data Entry Operator 90%
15 Data Entry Specialist 90%
16 Medical Transcriptionist 90%
17 Street Sweeper 90%
18 Supply Clerk 90%
19 Warehouse Worker 90%
20 Web Search Evaluator 90%

And That’s a Wrap

And that’s all the pieces on AI job statistics we’ve gathered.

The big takeaway? AI is changing jobs faster than we’ve ever seen before. It’s creating recent opportunities while also making some jobs less needed. This shift is large, and it’s happening immediately.

So, what do you consider all this?

Is the rise of AI jobs thing for us? Are there other stats or areas you’re inquisitive about? Got any questions on this topic?

Feel free to share your thoughts or ask away. Let’s get the conversation going!


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