We sat down with Carlo Tortora Brayda, Co-Founder and Task Force Member, NAIC ISAO & Founder and Executive Chairman, Tortora Brayda Institute, to speak about how he sees AI as a tool for climate protection.
What does the longer term of AI appear like?
“AI for Good” is my vision for the longer term of AI. I’m working on revolutionary technologies that may create equal opportunities and radically improve the economies of less developed countries.
What is the best AI application you could have seen up to now?
As a judge for the United Nations AI for Good program, I get to see quite a lot of cool innovations that align with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Introducing AI in firms: Name three advantages and three potential risks
The biggest risks are privacy concerns, bias and, most significantly, cyberattacks, including model theft, data poisoning, deep fakes and pixel takedowns. The advantages: undoubtedly productivity, innovation and customer satisfaction.
What excites you most a couple of world shaped by AI?
If we get it right, AI automation will revolutionize human society and hopefully create incredible wealth across the board. Thanks to its efficiency, we as a species may have the option to maneuver on to more ambitious goals.
How do you imagine the longer term of human-machine collaboration?
AI is central to human-machine collaboration. I see this area evolving in a short time, with increasingly powerful, non-invasive wearables. I imagine education will play a big and increasingly necessary role in optimizing this field. In the long run, Neuralink-type technologies and genetic manipulation could really pave the way in which for the event of cyborgs and artificial humans.
Whose work do you admire most on this planet of AI?
Reinhard Scholl, the recently retired founding father of AI for Good, former head of the ITU, the United Nations technology agency. What an incredible visionary.
If you might use AI to unravel any global problem on this planet, what would it not be and why?
I feel AI could be utilized in governments all over the world to create a fairer democratic process and international politics. It can create a platform for less impulsive, self-serving and exploitative diplomacy and thus be a path to conflict resolution.
What inspired you to participate as a speaker at this AI Summit and what message would you prefer to convey to the audience?
This summit is a pivotal event in the sector of AI and I’m honored to be a speaker. I’ll bring a positive message and give attention to the societal structures needed to effectively use AI for a more equitable world. So I is not going to be talking a lot in regards to the technology itself, but in regards to the public-private partnerships needed to raise the technology to the position of maximum impact.
Carlo Tortora Brayda
Co-Founder and Task Force Member, NAIC ISAO & Founder and Executive Chairman
Tortora Brayda Institute