HomeToolsApple's New Vehicle Motion Cues Can Help Reduce Motion Sickness

Apple’s New Vehicle Motion Cues Can Help Reduce Motion Sickness

Key Takeaways:

  • Apple introduces Vehicle Motion Cues to combat motion sickness in moving vehicles.
  • The feature uses animated dots on screen edges to simulate vehicle motion, reducing sensory conflict.
  • Built-in sensors detect movement and adjust visual cues in real-time.
  • Users can enable the feature mechanically or manually via the Control Center.

Apple is ready to introduce a brand new feature in its iOS that’s designed to tackle the common and infrequently draining problem of motion sickness while using a tool in a moving vehicle. Vehicle Motion Cues is an progressive feature that addresses the sensory conflict that typically causes motion sickness.

Motion sickness is a well-documented phenomenon that happens when there’s a disconnect between what the eyes sense and what the inner ear senses. When an individual is concentrated on a static screen in a moving vehicle, their visual system thinks of it as stillness, while their inner ear detects motion. This difference can result in symptoms like nausea, dizziness, and general discomfort, making it difficult for passengers to make use of their devices while traveling comfortably.

Vehicle Motion Cues tries to ease this issue by incorporating subtle visual indicators that align with the vehicle’s movement. These animated dots appear on the perimeters of the iPhone or iPad screen, mimicking the motion detected by the device’s sensors. As the automobile accelerates, turns, or decelerates, these visual cues change accordingly, helping synchronize the visual system with the sensations the inner ear perceives.

The feature operates by utilizing the built-in sensors of the iPhone and iPad to detect when a user is in a moving vehicle. Once motion is detected, the system prompts the animated dots, providing real-time motion cues to cut back the sensory conflict. Users can allow the feature to activate mechanically or manually control it via the Control Center.

The science behind this feature is rooted within the understanding that the brain relies on consistent sensory inputs to keep up balance and spatial orientation. By introducing visual elements that connect with the physical movement experienced, Apple’s Vehicle Motion Cues help create an identical sensory experience, potentially stopping the onset of motion sickness.

In addition to its practical applications, Vehicle Motion Cues could have major implications for the broader market. As more people depend on their devices for entertainment and productivity during travel, this feature could improve the comfort and usefulness of iPhones and iPads, giving Apple a competitive edge.

Vehicle Motion Cues is anticipated to be rolled out as a part of an upcoming iOS update, reinforcing Apple’s strategy of continuous improvement and user-centric design.



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