HomeArtificial IntelligenceAdobe introduces a GenAI tool for music

Adobe introduces a GenAI tool for music

There are many GenAI-based music editing and creation tools, but Adobe desires to put its own spin on the concept.

Today on the Hot Pod Summit in Brooklyn, Adobe introduced Project Music GenAI Control, a platform that may generate audio from lyric descriptions (e.g. “Happy Dance,” “Sad Jazz”) or a reference melody and permit users to view the outcomes inside the same custom workflow.

Project Music GenAI Control allows users to regulate things like tempo, intensity, repeating patterns, and structure. Or they will take a track and extend it to any length, remix music, or create an limitless loop.

Project Music GenAI Control was developed in collaboration with researchers on the University of California and Carnegie Mellon and should be made publicly available at a later date. But for now, it's still firmly within the research phase, said Gautham Mysore, head of audio and video AI research at Adobe, during a panel discussion at Hot Pod – the platform doesn't also have a user interface yet.

“This really brings us to the concept AI creates music when you are sitting as a director and there are a number of things you may do with it,” Mysore added. “(The tool) generates music, but it surely (also) gives you these different types of control so you may try things out. You don’t should be a composer, but you may spread your musical ideas.”

GenAI music tools – and GenAI tools usually – are raise ethical and legal concerns With the increasing prevalence of AI-created music, artwork and lyrics.

Homemade tracks that use GenAI to conjure up familiar sounds, lyrics, and vocals that may be passed off as authentic, or no less than close enough, have gone viral. Music labels were quick to get on board Cause deactivationsciting copyright. However, there continues to be uncertainty about whether deepfake music violates the mental property of artists, labels and other rights holders – particularly within the case of GenAI music tools that focus on copyrighted content.

A federal judge governed in August that AI-generated art can’t be protected by copyright. However, the US Copyright Office has not yet taken a very decisive stance recently begin looking for public input on copyright issues related to AI. It's also unclear whether users will probably be prone to copyright infringement in the event that they try to commercialize music created within the variety of one other artist.

Mysore said that Adobe generally develops its GenAI tools using data that’s under license or in the general public domain to avoid potential conflicts with IP issues. (Mum doesn't know if that will probably be the case with Project Music GenAI Control, though.) He added that Adobe is working on watermarking technology to make it easier to discover audio produced by Project Music GenAI Control However, this continues to be a piece in progress.

“Adobe handles (these items) particularly responsibly,” Mysore added. “There are a number of really great musicians creating this content… I feel they (they and tools like Project Music GenAI Control) will coexist. New musical ideas will emerge.”


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