HomeEthics & SocietyOpenAI ventures to Hollywood armed with text-to-image model Sora

OpenAI ventures to Hollywood armed with text-to-image model Sora

OpenAI is venturing into Hollywood armed with “Sora,” its impressive text-to-video model. 

Scheduled for public release later this 12 months, Sora can generate realistic video from textual descriptions and has already captivated Hollywood stakeholders, including producer Tyler Perry, who postponed an $800 million expansion of his Atlanta studio after witnessing its potential firsthand. 

Perry was astonished, stating, “Being told that it could do all of this stuff is one thing, but actually seeing the capabilities, it was mind-blowing.” However, he also expressed concerns over the workforce, emphasizing the necessity for measures to guard creative industries. 

OpenAI intends to integrate Sora into Hollywood productions, a plan that has been ill-received amongst creatives who fear their jobs are in danger. 

According to Bloomberg, OpenAI said of its plans: “OpenAI has a deliberate strategy of working in collaboration with industry through a technique of iterative deployment – rolling out AI advances in phases – to make sure secure implementation and to present people an idea of what’s on the horizon. We look ahead to an ongoing dialogue with artists and creatives.”

As AI’s influence grows throughout the entertainment industry, its capability to disrupt traditional workflows and job roles has turn out to be a subject of intense debate.

Last 12 months’s Hollywood author’s strike showed that folks are unwilling to lie down and accept AI job replacements. 

These strikes also showed that directors perhaps don’t share the identical sentiment.

They want AI and are actively investing in it. Anything to maintain costs down will probably be explored in an industry where margins are slimmer than ever. 

AI challenges creativity

OpenAI’s enterprise into Hollywood has been met with controversy. It’s unclear how Sora was trained, particularly after CTO Mira Murati was left bemused when questioned about where the corporate got Sora’s data. 

OpenAI taking meetings with Hollywood studios and directors 2 WEEKS after their CTO dodged questions on data they clearly stole.

Un-f*cking-believable. https://t.co/qbewb5gxoO pic.twitter.com/KSgQJdeujp

Researchers will little doubt probe Sora like they did MidJourney to reveal any obvious copyright infringement. 

Meanwhile, job losses in creative sectors are starting to escalate. A recent study, “Future Unscripted,” showed the potential scale of job losses across the entertainment sector, projecting 204,000 lost jobs in entertainment across the US alone.

In film, television, and animation – a workforce nearing 550,000 – about 21% of jobs are expected to be impacted by 2026, primarily resulting from the combination of generative AI into tasks like 3D modeling, character design, and voice generation.

Despite slower adoption of generative AI, the music and sound recording fields aren’t immune, with roughly 1,800 jobs in danger throughout the same timeframe.

I hate this with my whole body. Why is OpenAI pitching to Hollywood? As an actress in Hollywood, this feels unsettling, unnecessary, and OBNOXIOUS. Please don’t buy into any narrative you hear about “AI is only a tool.” The end game may be very plainly to interchange all human labor.… https://t.co/L1HywmuvjI

The conversations around Sora reflect a microcosm of the larger debate surrounding AI within the creative industries – a debate characterised by a mixture of pleasure for the longer term and apprehension about what could be lost within the transition.

The challenge stays: tips on how to harness the ability of AI like Sora, not as a substitute for human creativity but as a catalyst for brand spanking new types of expression that respect integrity. Many simply view this as unattainable. 


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