HomeEventsExploring the Future of AI with Sasha Przybylski, Activator, The Knowledge Society...

Exploring the Future of AI with Sasha Przybylski, Activator, The Knowledge Society (TKS)

If you would solve one global problem on this planet with AI, what would it not be and why?

I would like to resolve the battery wasting problem. In particular, I feel AI has great potential for dynamic cell balancing inside an EV battery pack. This might help optimize battery function and make second-life batteries more practical. The principal problem currently is that batteries degrade at different rates. Therefore, we want really complicated algorithms to give you the chance to make use of these batteries in a second life. I feel AI might help with many alternative BMS functions that may help us walk the high quality line between battery failure and maximum performance.

What do you think that are the three most significant things for corporations straight away on the subject of AI?

I’d argue that almost all corporations that don't adopt AI might be neglected of the competition. With the assistance of AI, things might be done much faster, making competition much more intense. I’d also say that it will be significant for corporations to secure appropriate data sets – the businesses which have data to coach these models may have higher results. And finally, I would love to say data protection: When corporations collect user data, they have to be sure that the info is secure.

What do you think that are the three most significant things for humanity straight away by way of AI?

AI safety, explainable AI and computation. AI safety is crucial because if we screw this up, it might be bad. Explainable AI is essential because much of AI looks like a “black box” and due to this fact we don’t really understand where the outcomes come from, stopping us from detecting errors or learning. And calculations, because as these algorithms develop into more complex they require increasingly energy and memory. If we don't improve semiconductor technology, computing time will increase.

How do you think that AI may have its biggest impact in the following 5, 10, 20 years?

I actually have seen so many alternative articles and videos talking concerning the impact of AI. At least to me, it still seems pretty uncertain. I feel AI and hardware might be an interesting area as most software solutions appear to have already got AI integrated. Be it robotics, chemical simulations or something I couldn't even imagine. I feel this will even help reduce the quantity of repetitive manual work. I’d imagine that in 5 to 10 years this might be a giant field, and for the following 20 years I feel it will be interesting if we could use AI to make decisions with plenty of aspects – things starting from socioeconomic and political aspects are influenced. Things like poverty, climate change, etc. – I could imagine us developing algorithms that might help develop entirely recent solutions to those massive problems.

Which 2 people do you admire most on this planet of AI by way of their work?

Brooke Joseph works on Federated Learning for Data Privacy. Alishba Imran also works in machine learning and is currently working in computational chemistry at Berkeley.

What are you most looking forward to about competing within the WSAI series?

Meet interesting people working in AI and learn concerning the leaders in the sphere. Artificial intelligence goes to be (and already is!) huge, and I’m so grateful for this chance to learn from industry experts.

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24-25 April 2024

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Amsterdam, Netherlands

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